Debra Martin
“OUV OU” (“I Love You”!) ~ Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength!
I heard the sounds of “ouv ou” three times. I quickly turned to smile at his mommy who concurred that he was saying “I love you”. Now it may appear that this Nana wanted to hear those words, and I did indeed. If you are a grandparent you understand. But we are convinced that the message his young mind and heart was conveying was love and admiration through “ouv ou” – “I love you”! Words he has heard often.
Every year it seems attention is drawn deeper into the realm of the more superficial aspects of the season: decorations, lights, Christmas refreshments, programs, etc. While these things are enjoyable and exciting, I have often pondered what it would be like to celebrate the Joy of the season, Jesus, without all of the extras, focusing our attention completely on adoring Him.
Words of Hope, Truth and Love!
Words! They are powerful. They are effective. Words can be used for good or not so pleasant intentions. Words convey feelings, beliefs, our character and inner thoughts. Words can encourage or discourage, heal and bring forgiveness or cut deep wounds. Words make a lasting impression – positive or negative