Rise Up Asia Pacific Project Profile

Berakah Way is an intensive, three-month experiential live-in practicum for young adults who desire to enter full-time cross-cultural ministry among least-reached people groups of Indonesia.


While the Indonesian Alliance church is mature and strong, her heart for reaching those outside the walls of the church is being challenged. Alliance leaders are calling for a fresh wave of workers who are equipped to minister in creative ways to the many people groups who will never
come into church buildings or attend church events. Eric and Krisy, with their Indonesian colleagues, plan to respond to this need so that the Way of Blessing (Berakah Way) will be experienced as a training ground. Berakah Way students will be recruited from graduating classes in Alliance theological schools across Indonesia and through Alliance district and missions department initiatives. These pre-field candidates will join a missional community near the new national capital where they’ll learn from a variety of experiences in the context of a loving praxis community. Their days will include: personal spiritual disciplines and inductive Bible study; small business start-ups and daily work; study of community development principles, spiritual warfare, inner-healing prayer, personal witness, methods of gathering new believers into house fellowships, tenets of the majority religion, cultural anthropology, and more.
Upon completing three months of study and service, an assessment done together will determine their next place of service. Berakah Way students will then go back to their home churches to garner support and be launched to work among the lost.


  1. Pray for a central location for Berakah Way—simple housing in which to welcome trainees and build community.
  2. Pray for eager participants who are called to cross- cultural work.
  3. Pray for personnel for the missional community. Eric and Krisy are praying for teammates both foreign and Indonesian – those who have experience as mentors and practitioners.
  4. Pray for divinely ordained “key people” within the local culture who will participate as hosts, cultural informants, social connectors, influencers, and gatherers of groups.
  5. Pray for opportunities for community engagement—sites for trainees to work alongside those of the majority religion (possibilities include local businesses, a reforestation project, training center for job skills, coaching soccer teams, etc.).

Alliance Women has set a goal to raise $10,000 for the Berakah Way Project. These funds will cover the costs for six new workers to be trained to enter full-time, cross- cultural ministry among unreached people groups of Indonesia. Visit www.alliancewomen.org/give to participate.