Jen Vogel
Celebrate the Harvest!
I live in rural Iowa, surrounded by corn and soybean fields. During these past few weeks I’ve watched the once-green fields turn golden brown. I awoke one morning last month with a phrase on my heart and mind—“look at the fields.”
I Shall Not Want
“Jen, Jen, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed” (see Luke 10:41).
Have you heard the Holy Spirit speak words like this to you? I certainly have.
Set Free from Disappointment
I was stuck. The week was tough. I felt overlooked and under-appreciated. Inwardly, I experienced waves of frustration. I complained in my spirit and to trusted companions. And I had uncharacteristic outbursts of anger. I was not in a healthy place emotionally or spiritually. In short, I was miserable. However, thanks to the faithful work […]
Set Free
Recently, I was reading Isaiah 54. I wrote in my journal some phrases and words that caught my attention: “Sing . . . do not hold back. . . fear not. . . the Lord has called you. . . His steadfast love shall not depart from you.” Sing. Do not hold back. Fear not. Sounds like […]