The Importance of Clear Vision

My hopes and plans for starting the year off with focus and direction fizzled out quickly this year. I found myself floundering. The thought of tackling my “to-do” list felt overwhelming; each item seemed to have taken up more than its fair share of energy. That’s why I was so excited when I made it to the ophthalmologist a couple days ago. I hadn’t had an eye appointment in three years.

Kingdom Vision

After receiving a new prescription for my glasses, I was astounded, once again, with how distinctly I was once again able to see; how clear the letters were as I read. How much easier it seemed to navigate in the world. And it struck me: This is what I’ve been needing in this season with all its transition, change, adjustment, disorientation, and confusion.

In the same way that my three-year-old prescription for glasses was outdated, I had allowed my vision of the Kingdom to become dull and a bit threadbare. I needed a sharper, clearer vision of God’s purposes in the world, and for His Church. I am grateful He is reestablishing this for me.

Sister, we have a God who desires us, His Church, to be restored to deep, intimate relationship with Him—it is a passion so strong He allowed His Son to die in our place. We have a High Priest who intercedes on our behalf before the Throne of Grace. We have a Spirit who lives in us, inviting us into unbroken intimacy with the Lover of our Souls. This same God provides for our human relational needs by binding us together as His Bride, giving family to those who have none; spiritual siblings to challenge and hold us accountable, and providing a refuge to those who are hurting—irrespective of background or depth of wound. His Spirit intends to bind us closer together than blood ever could, challenging each of us to a love for one another that is impossible on our own.

Vision Casting

When our vision of His Kingdom is clear, His name is glorified. When we embody the Church and God’s divine desire for reconciliation, restoration, and healing, we are living out the resplendent reality of God’s Kingdom—here and now.

In a world that cannot see clearly and is stumbling about in blurry confusion, the glorious reality of God’s Kingdom lived out through us, His Bride, has the potential to reorient, to refocus, to bring clarity to those whose understanding has been blinded.

Sister, we are called to be the Church. Let us be the Church.