Set Free to Keep Our Eyes on Jesus

When God called Moses to lead His people out of Egypt, Moses asked, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and that I should bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” God answered, “I will certainly be with you . . .” (see Exod. 3:11–12, HCSB).

Like Moses, sometimes our first reaction to God’s call is to cite our inadequacy. “Who am I to do this?” But when Moses asked who he was to perform this task, God reminded him of whose he was. Moses belonged to God, who would be present with him and do great things to remind Moses of His presence, proving Moses wasn’t on his own but that God had sent him.

A couple of years ago as the Lord was guiding me through the Book of Exodus, I was wrestling with God’s call to my current ministry role. There was a tug-of-war going on inside my heart. On one hand, I was saying to Him, “I can’t do this—who am I to do this?” On the other hand, God was saying, “I’ve called you to do this, and I will be with you.” Just like He was with Moses, God has been faithful and true to His word. In response to God’s call, maybe you too are saying, “I can’t do this!”

Or, maybe our response when God calls us to do a work for Him is to think, Yep, God, I’ve got this! You can take a little breather, because I can do this on my own. I’ve got all the knowledge and tools I need to complete this task for You, so go ahead—take a well-deserved rest. While I’ve never said this out loud, my actions and lack of dependence on God have revealed this attitude in me at times.

Let’s take this moment in time to stop and remember whose we are. Remember whom you belong to and who is going with you as you follow His call. No, we aren’t adequate, whether or not we think we are—but He is. We don’t have what it takes; but He does. God doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies those He calls.

And because Christ has set us free from the bondage of sin, we are free to keep our eyes on Him instead of our circumstances or ourselves. Let’s direct our focus upward with eyes on Jesus, who is always faithful to those whom He calls.