
Adore! The Christmas season is here! It is a time to focus our attention on adoring Christ the Lord who came to earth as a baby. A child that would grow as a man and one day die on the cross to redeem us. Yet, every year it seems attention is drawn deeper into the realm of the more superficial aspects of the season: decorations, lights, Christmas refreshments, programs, etc. While these things are enjoyable and exciting, I have often pondered what it would be like to celebrate the Joy of the season, Jesus, without all of the extras, focusing our attention completely on adoring Him.

The shepherds were the first to adore the Christ child, to behold the beauty of this miracle. Imagine the excitement that filled their hearts and minds as they knelt before Him and heard His infant cry. Their attention was completely focused on adoring the Christ child.

Mary and Joseph also were completely focused on adoring God and the Christ child as they ultimately exemplified deep faith and trust in God on the life journey they were given to travel as His vessels. They faced potential ridicule, difficulty in travel during a challenging time, and yet, they unwaveringly trusted in God’s provision for their every need. They showed us, His children, what it means to adore God, to follow Him no matter how challenging the journey. “May it be to me as you have said”. (Luke 1.38)  “When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him…” (Matthew 1.24)  Mary and Joseph are models of faith, provided by God in His word, helping me learn to adore Him more. Oh to have that kind of deep faith and trust!

For me, during this Christmas season God is answering that prayer to grow stronger in faith and trust through a life journey of transition. The words of David in Psalm 143.8-10 have personally been a sustaining prayer since the onset of this journey. The Psalmist writes: “Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul… Teach me to do your will, for you are my God, may your good Spirit lead me on level ground”.  Dwelling on His word and sustaining power has led me to shift my focus from the challenges to adoring Him, placing my faith and trust in Him on this journey.

Oh! About all the extras in celebrating the Joy of the season! There are no extras at our home this Christmas due to the journey of transition. With music and praise we adore! We adore!

Suggestion: Amplify your Christmas devotions by listening to the words and music of “Adore” and “A Christmas Alleluia” by Chris Tomlin.